Journal Home > Volume 8 , Issue 9

Strain engineering provides an effective mean of tuning the fundamental properties of semiconductors for electric and optoelectronic applications. Here we report on how the applied strain changes the emission properties of hetero-structures consisting of different crystalline phases in the same CdS nanobelts. The strained portion was found to produce an additional emission peak on the low-energy side that was blueshifted with increasing strain. Furthermore, the additional emission peak obeyed the Varshni equation with temperature and exhibited the band-filling effect at high excitation power. This new emission peak may be attributed to spatially indirect exciton recombination between different crystalline phases of CdS. First-principles calculations were performed based on the spatially indirect exciton recombination, and the calculated and experimental results agreed with one another. Strain proved to be capable of enhancing the anti-Stokes emission, suggesting that the efficiency of laser cooling may be improved by strain engineering.

Publication history

Publication history

Received: 25 January 2015
Revised: 26 April 2015
Accepted: 30 April 2015
Published: 21 June 2015
Issue date: September 2015


© Tsinghua University Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015



This work is mainly supported by Singapore National Research Foundation through a NRF fellowship grant (No. NRF-RF2009-06) and NRF Investigatorship grant (No. NRF-NRFI2015-03), and Singapore Ministry of Education via two AcRF Tier 2 grants (Nos. MOE2011-T2-2-051 and MOE2013-T2-1-049). This work was also supported in part by AFOSR through its Asian Office of Aerospace Research and Development (No. FA2386-13-1-4112). D. H. L. acknowledges the World Future Foundation (WFF) for awarding him the WFF PhD Prize in Environmental and Sustainability Research (2014) and the financial support to this work. Y. L. acknowledges the support from High Performance Computing Center (HPCC) at NTU and Dr. Yang Ming from NUS for meaningful discussions. J. A. acknowledges the funding from Generalitat de Catalunya 2014SGR1638 and Spanish MINECO MAT2014-51480-ERC_(e-ATOM). M. d. l. M. thanks CSIC Jae-Predoc program.
