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Research Article

Microwave-assisted synthesis of photoluminescent glutathione-capped Au/Ag nanoclusters: A unique sensor-on-a-nanoparticle for metal ions, anions, and small molecules

Jia Zhang1Yue Yuan1Yu Wang2Fanfei Sun2Gaolin Liang1Zheng Jiang2Shu-Hong Yu1,3 ( )
Division of Nanomaterials and ChemistryHefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at MicroscaleCollaborative Innovation Center of Suzhou Nano Science and TechnologyDepartment of ChemistryUniversity of Science and Technology of ChinaHefei230026China
Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation FacilityShanghai Institute of Applied PhysicsChinese Academy of SciencesShanghai201204China
Key Laboratory of Materials Physicsand Anhui Key Laboratory of Nanomaterials and NanostructuresInstitute of Solid State PhysicsChinese Academy of SciencesHefei230031China
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Even though great advances have been achieved in the synthesis of luminescent metal nanoclusters, it is still challenging to develop metal nanoclusters with high quantum efficiency as well as multiple sensing functionalities. Here, we demonstrate the rapid preparation of glutathione-capped Au/Ag nanoclusters (GS-Au/Ag NCs) using microwave irradiation and their unique sensing capacities. Compared to bare GS-Au NCs, the doped Au/Ag NCs possess an enhanced quantum yield (7.8% compared to 2.2% for GS-Au NCs). Several characterization techniques were used to elucidate the atomic composition, particulate character, and electronic structure of the fabricated NCs. According to the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectra, a significant amount of Au exists in the oxidized state as Au(I), and the Ag atoms are positively charged. In contrast to those nanoclusters that detect only one analyte, the GS-Au/Ag NCs can be used as a versatile sensor for metal ions, anions, and small molecules. In this manner, the NCs can be regarded as a unique sensor-on-a-nanoparticle.

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Nano Research
Pages 2329-2339
Cite this article:
Zhang J, Yuan Y, Wang Y, et al. Microwave-assisted synthesis of photoluminescent glutathione-capped Au/Ag nanoclusters: A unique sensor-on-a-nanoparticle for metal ions, anions, and small molecules. Nano Research, 2015, 8(7): 2329-2339.






Web of Science






Received: 20 October 2014
Revised: 07 February 2015
Accepted: 10 February 2015
Published: 16 May 2015
© Tsinghua University Press and Springer‐Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015