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Research Article

Mode-synthesizing atomic force microscopy for 3D reconstruction of embedded low-density dielectric nanostructures

Pauline Vitry1Eric Bourillot1( )Cédric Plassard1Yvon Lacroute1Eric Calkins2,3Laurene Tetard2,3Eric Lesniewska1
Physics DepartmentUniversity of BourgogneAvenue Alain Savary UMR CNRS 6303210786Cedex, France
Nanoscience Technology CenterUniversity of Central FloridaOrlandoFL32826USA
Department of PhysicsUniversity of Central FloridaOrlandoFL32826USA
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Challenges in nanoscale characterization call for non-invasive, yet sensitive subsurface characterization of low-density materials such as polymers. In this work, we present new evidence that mode-synthesizing atomic force microscopy can be used to detect minute changes in low-density materials, such as those engendered in electro-sensitive polymers during electron beam lithography, surpassing all common nanoscale mechanical techniques.

Moreover, we propose 3D reconstruction of the exposed polymer regions using successive high-resolution frames acquired at incremental depths inside the sample. In addition, the results clearly show the influence of increasing dwell time on the depth profile of the nano-sized exposed regions. Hence, the simple approach described here can be used for achieving sensitive nanoscale tomography of soft materials with promising applications in material sciences and biology.



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Vitry, P.; Bourillot, E.; Plassard, C.; Lacroute, Y.; Tetard, L.; Lesniewska, E. Advances in quantitative nanoscale subsurface imaging by mode-synthesizing atomic force microscopy. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2014, 105, 053110.

Nano Research
Pages 2199-2205
Cite this article:
Vitry P, Bourillot E, Plassard C, et al. Mode-synthesizing atomic force microscopy for 3D reconstruction of embedded low-density dielectric nanostructures. Nano Research, 2015, 8(7): 2199-2205.






Web of Science






Received: 20 October 2014
Revised: 07 January 2015
Accepted: 14 January 2015
Published: 27 May 2015
© Tsinghua University Press and Springer‐Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015