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Review Article

Optical super-resolution microscopy and its applications in nano-catalysis

Wenhui Wang1,2Junnan Gu2Ting He2Yangbin Shen2Shaobo Xi2Lei Tian2Feifei Li2Haoyuan Li2Liuming Yan1Xiaochun Zhou2( )
Department of ChemistryCollege of SciencesShanghai University99 Shangda RoadShanghai200444China
Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-BionicsChinese Academy of SciencesSuzhou215123China
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The resolution of conventional optical microscopy is only ~200 nm, which is becoming less and less sufficient for a variety of applications. In order to surpass the diffraction limited resolution, super-resolution microscopy (SRM) has been developed to achieve a high resolution of one to tens of nanometers. The techniques involved in SRM can be assigned into two broad categories, namely "true" super-resolution techniques and "functional" super-resolution techniques. In "functional" super-resolution techniques, stochastic super-resolution microscopy (SSRM) is widely used due to its low expense, simple operation, and high resolution. The principle process in SSRM is to accumulate the coordinates of many diffraction-limited emitters (e.g., single fluorescent molecules) on the object by localizing the centroids of the point spread functions (PSF), and then reconstruct the image of the object using these coordinates. When the diffraction-limited emitters take part in a catalytic reaction, the activity distribution and kinetic information about the catalysis by nanoparticles can be obtained by SSRM. SSRM has been applied and exhibited outstanding advantages in several fields of catalysis, such as metal nanoparticle catalysis, molecular sieve catalysis, and photocatalysis. Since SSRM is able to resolve the catalytic activity within one nanoparticle, it promises to accelerate the development and discovery of new and better catalysts. This review will present a brief introduction to SRM, and a detailed description of SSRM and its applications in nano-catalysis.



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Nano Research
Pages 441-455
Cite this article:
Wang W, Gu J, He T, et al. Optical super-resolution microscopy and its applications in nano-catalysis. Nano Research, 2015, 8(2): 441-455.






Web of Science






Received: 09 September 2014
Revised: 25 December 2014
Accepted: 29 December 2014
Published: 26 January 2015
© Tsinghua University Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015