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Research Article

Thermoelectric transport across graphene/hexagonal boron nitride/graphene heterostructures

Chun-Chung Chen1Zhen Li1Li Shi2Stephen B. Cronin1( )
Department of Electrical EngineeringUniversity of Southern CaliforniaLos AngelesCA90089USA
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Texas Materials InstituteUniversity of Texas at AustinAustinTexas78712USA
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Graphical Abstract


We report thermoelectric transport measurements across a graphene/hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN)/graphene heterostructure device. Using an AC lock-in technique, we are able to separate the thermoelectric contribution to the IV characteristics of these important device structures. The temperature gradient is measured optically using Raman spectroscopy, which enables us to explore thermoelectric transport produced at material interfaces, across length scales of just 1–2 nm. Based on the observed thermoelectric voltage (ΔV) and temperature gradient (ΔT), a Seebeck coefficient of -99.3 μV/K is ascertained for the heterostructure device. The obtained Seebeck coefficient can be useful for understanding the thermoelectric component in the cross-plane IV behaviors of emerging 2D heterostructure devices. These results provide an approach to probing thermoelectric energy conversion in two-dimensional layered heterostructures.

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Nano Research
Pages 666-672
Cite this article:
Chen C-C, Li Z, Shi L, et al. Thermoelectric transport across graphene/hexagonal boron nitride/graphene heterostructures. Nano Research, 2015, 8(2): 666-672.






Web of Science






Received: 27 May 2014
Revised: 08 July 2014
Accepted: 28 July 2014
Published: 09 September 2014
© Tsinghua University Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014