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Crosstalk between tumors and the nervous system has emerged as a significant hallmark of human cancer. In the central nervous system, neurons closely interact with tumor cells, promoting the proliferation of glioma and neuroblastoma. Additionally, the peripheral nervous system plays a crucial role in reshaping the tumor microenvironment, modulating angiogenesis, and regulating immune cell function, while also directly promoting tumorigenesis and metastasis. Current research has elucidated some of the specific neural signaling mechanisms involved in this crosstalk, including neurotransmitters, neuropeptides, and growth factors. In this review, we aim to summarize these mechanisms and highlight the latest discoveries in various solid tumors, such as glioma, pancreatic, prostate, and gastrointestinal cancers. By understanding the intricate crosstalk between cancer cells and the nervous system, we can develop more effective and targeted treatments for cancer patients.
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