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It is our great pleasure to announce and congratulate the awardees of the 2024 Carbon Future Young Investigator Award. The aim of this award is to encourage outstanding doctoral students or postdoctoral researchers in the fields of carbon materials, carbon catalysis, energy, and chemical engineering.
Since the initiation of the event, we have received 139 outstanding nominations of young researchers from around the world. Following a meticulous screening and unbiased review process by the editorial board, we have identified 10 recipients of the Carbon Future Young Researcher Award, along with 30 recipients of the Honorable Mention Award. Not only have they made significant contributions in their respective research areas, but they have also demonstrated exceptional scientific potential and innovative capabilities in carbon-related science and technology fields. Throughout the evaluation process, we have deeply felt the vital influence of advisors on the growth of young researchers. Therefore, we take this opportunity to specifically acknowledge advisors who have provided excellent guidance and support to young researchers.
List of awardees for the 2024 Carbon Future Young Investigator Award:
Name |
Affiliation |
Nominator |
Yingjie Fan |
University of Chicago, USA |
Prof. Wenbin Lin |
Xianbiao Fu |
Technical University of Denmark, Denmark |
Prof. Yijin Kang |
Mei-Yan Gao |
University of California Berkeley, USA |
Prof. Omar M. Yaghi |
Chan Woo Lee |
Institute for Basic Science, Korea |
Prof. Taeghwan Hyeon |
Jing Li |
Yale University, USA |
Prof. Qi Lu |
Guo Tian |
Tsinghua University, China |
Prof. Fei Wei |
Zhenhua Xie |
Columbia University, USA |
Prof. Jingguang G. Chen |
Jiarui Yang |
Tsinghua University, China |
Prof. Dingsheng Wang |
Qingxin Yang |
ETH Zürich, Switzerland |
Prof. Evgenii V. Kondratenko |
Peng Zhu |
Rice University, USA |
Prof. Haotian Wang |
(Sort by surname order)
List of the 2024 Carbon Future Young Investigator Honorable Mention Award:
Name |
Affiliation |
Nominator |
Gabriella P. Bein |
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA |
Prof. Jillian Dempsey |
Yuehan Cao |
SouthWest Petroleum University, China |
Prof. Ying Zhou |
Yi Cheng |
Rice University, USA |
Prof. James M. Tour |
Jiyu Cui |
Zhejiang University, China |
Prof. Huabin Xing |
Jie Ding |
University of Hong Kong, China |
Prof. Bin Liu |
Yingzheng Fan |
University of Chicago, USA |
Prof. Lea R. Winter |
Michael Filippi |
Technische Universität Berlin, Germany |
Prof. Peter Strasser |
Feiyue Gao |
The University of Adelaide, Australia |
Prof. Yao Zheng |
Xiaohu Ge |
East China University of Science and Technology, China |
Prof. Weikang Yuan and Prof. Xuezhi Duan |
Runnan Guan |
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Korea |
Prof. Jong-Beom Baek |
Xun Guan |
Stanford University, USA |
Prof. Chong Liu |
Qinyuan Jiang |
Tsinghua University, China |
Prof. Rufan Zhang |
Yuqi Li |
Stanford University, USA |
Prof. Yong-Sheng Hu |
Xu Liu |
Nanjing University, China |
Prof. Yan Zhu |
Minghao Liu |
University of Nottingham Ningbo; Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, China |
Prof. Qing Xu |
Jee Yung Park |
Purdue University, USA |
Prof. Letian Dou |
Liang Peng |
City University of Hong Kong, China |
Prof. Dongyuan Zhao |
Yu Peng |
East China University of Science and Technology, China |
Prof. Huagui Yang |
Aditya Prajapati |
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA |
Prof. Chris Hahn |
Zhenyu Shi |
City University of Hong Kong, China |
Prof. Hua Zhang |
Luye Sun |
TongJi University, China |
Prof. Wei Xu |
Huifeng Tian |
Peking University, China |
Prof. Lei Liu |
Hai Wang |
Zhejiang University, China |
Prof. Fengshou Xiao |
Daiwei Wang |
Pennsylvania State University, USA |
Prof. Donghai Wang |
Mingrui Wu |
Zhejiang University, China |
Prof. Hao Bai |
Pengpeng Yang |
Anhui University; University of Science and Technology of China |
Prof. Shikuo Li and Prof. Minrui Gao |
Shijie Yu |
National University of Singapore, Singapore |
Prof. Ning Yan |
Xiaoran Zhang |
City University of Hong Kong, China |
Prof. San Ping Jiang |
Siqi Zhao |
Aarhus University, Denmark |
Prof. Kim Daasbjerg |
Jiahui Zhou |
Beijing Institute of Technology, China |
Prof. Feng Wu |
(Sort by surname order)
Each awardee of the Carbon Future Young Researcher Award will receive a certificate and a prize of $1000 provided by Tsinghua University Press. Each awardee will be invited to submit a paper related to their research to Carbon Future to share their scientific findings and insights. Honorable Mention Award recipients will be granted a certificate and a gift from the journal. All the winners will be invited to participate in the International Symposium on Carbon Future (CF 2024), where they will present their research and engage in discussions with global scientists to explore the future directions of carbon science.
We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all the awardees and look forward to their continued success and accomplishments in their future research endeavors. Additionally, we hope that this award will inspire more young researchers to immerse themselves in carbon-related research, collectively advancing the sustainable development of global carbon science.
Happy Chinese New Year!
Infectious Medicine 2024 Early Career Researcher Award Winners List
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