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Blood pressure management is critical for the treatment of traumatic brain injury (TBI). The purpose of this study was to determine the safe systolic blood pressure (SBP) range during the emergent phase that reduces negative outcomes after TBI surgery.
Patients with isolated TBI who received surgical treatment were enrolled. We retrospectively analyzed the outcomes of the TBI patients with different admission SBP (mmHg) ranges. In addition, the safe SBP ranges for patients in different age groups (<50 or ≥50 years old) were identified.
Among the TBI patients, those with an admission SBP ranging from 100 to 140 mmHg had the lowest mortality rate: 18.97% for the 100–120-mmHg group and 19.52% for the 120–140-mmHg group. Among the patients with an admission SBP of ≥140 mmHg, the mortality rate decreased dramatically when the SBP was controlled to 100–140 mmHg during the emergent phase (22.22% vs. 37.542%, p = 0.022). However, this control had no effect on the extended Glasgow outcome scale (GOSE) score of the survivals (p = 0.920). Multivariate regression analysis further revealed that an admission SBP of 100–140 mmHg is an independent factor for favorable outcomes, but only in patients who are ≥50 years old (p = 0.017).
This study identified the optimal range of SBP during the emergent phase for isolated TBI patients. We emphasize the beneficial effects of reducing blood pressure before surgery in TBI, especially for patients who are ≥50 years old. The study provides new evidence for a blood pressure management target in TBI.
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