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Cubital tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a chronic condition caused by the compression of the ulnar nerve at the elbow. The ulnar nerve is susceptible to entrapment at multiple sites along its path, with the elbow joint being the most critical. Symptoms typically include numbness in the ulnar nerve distribution area, hand muscle atrophy, and weakness. Patients exhibiting mild symptoms can be treated conservatively, whereas those with moderate to severe symptoms often require surgical intervention. Extensive research has been conducted on the clinical treatment of CTS. The complex etiology of this condition, coupled with the unique anatomical structure of the ulnar nerve, has led to less-than-satisfactory clinical outcomes. Physiotherapy plays an important role in aiding nerve recovery and reducing disability rates. Initiating physiotherapy early can address the cause of the disease, mitigate nerve damage, improve functional impairment due to nerve injury, and enhance the quality of patients’ daily activities. However, definitive guidelines for the treatment and evaluation of cubital tunnel syndrome are lacking. This review compiles the various modalities and advancements in the diagnosis and rehabilitation of CTS, drawing from recent domestic and international literature. It summarizes and compares the diagnostic tools currently employed in clinical practice and offers suggestions for physicians and therapists in selecting personalized diagnostic tools for patient assessment. Additionally, the review describes various rehabilitation methods, providing fresh insights for patients with cubital tunnel syndrome who have received conservative or surgical treatment.
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