Journal Home > Volume 15 , Issue 6

The weak dielectric properties and the lack of magnetic loss of manganese-based absorbers are obstructed as the new generation of electromagnetic wave absorption (EMA) materials applying in microelectronic devices. Herein, the sulfuration and subsequent compounding strategies have been employed to enhance the EMA performance of multi-shell nanosphere-shaped Mn2O3 materials. With the narrow bandgap, the as-obtained MnS possesses reinforced electrical conductivity, which is conducive to conductivity loss. More importantly, the presence of potential difference between different phases will form space charge region at the heterogeneous interface, thus favoring interfacial polarization. Additionally, the improvement of magnetic loss is attributed to the presence of Co3O4 nanoparticles. Consequently, the composites present enhanced EMA performance than original Mn2O3. Specifically, the minimum reflection loss of as-prepared composites is −51.4 dB at the thickness of 1.8 mm and the broad effective absorption bandwidth reaches 6.2 GHz at 1.9 mm. The low matching thickness and high absorption efficiency in this work can provide a convincing reference when designing distinguished manganese-based absorbers.

12274_2022_4287_MOESM1_ESM.pdf (2.7 MB)
Publication history

Publication history

Received: 10 February 2022
Revised: 26 February 2022
Accepted: 01 March 2022
Published: 29 March 2022
Issue date: April 2022


© Tsinghua University Press 2022



This work is financially supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province (No. ZR2019YQ24), Taishan Scholars and Young Experts Program of Shandong Province (No. tsqn202103057) and the Qingchuang Talents Induction Program of Shandong Higher Education Institution (Research and Innovation Team of Structural-Functional Polymer Composites).
