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Research Article

Synthesis of gold/rare-earth-vanadate core/shell nanorods for integrating plasmon resonance and fluorescence

Jiahong Wang1,§Hao Huang1,§Daquan Zhang1Ming Chen1Yafang Zhang1Xuefeng Yu1,2( )Li Zhou1( )Ququan Wang1,3( )
Department of PhysicsKey Laboratory of Artificial Micro- and Nano-structures of the Ministry of Education and School of Physics and TechnologyWuhan UniversityWuhan430072China
Guangdong Key Laboratory of NanomedicineCAS Key Lab of Health InformaticsInstitute of Biomedicine and BiotechnologyShenzhen Institutes of Advanced TechnologyChinese Academy of SciencesShenzhen518055China
Institute for Advanced StudyWuhan UniversityWuhan430072China

§ These authors contributed equally to this work.

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The nanoscale core/shell heterostructure is a particularly efficient motif to combine the promising properties of plasmonic materials and rare-earth compounds; however, there remain significant challenges in the synthetic control due to the large interfacial energy between these two intrinsically unmatched materials. Herein, we report a synthetic route to grow rare-earth-vanadate shells on gold nanorod (AuNR) cores. After modifying the AuNR surface with oleate through a surfactant exchange, well-packaged rare-earth oxide (e.g., Gd2O3: Eu) shells are grown on AuNRs as a result of the multiple roles of oleate. Furthermore, the composition of the shell has been altered from oxide to vanadate (GdVO4: Eu) using an anion exchange method. Owing to the carefully designed strategy, the AuNR cores maintain the morphology during the synthesis process; thus, the final Au/GdVO4: Eu core/shell NRs exhibit strong absorption bands and high photothermal efficiency. In addition, the Au/GdVO4: Eu NRs exhibit bright Eu3+ fluorescence with quantum yield as high as ~17%; bright Sm3+ and Dy3+ fluorescence can also be obtained by changing the lanthanide doping in the oxide formation. Owing to the attractive integration of the plasmonic and fluorescence properties, such core/shell heterostructures will find particular applications in a wide array of areas, from biomedicine to energy.

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Nano Research
Pages 2548-2561
Cite this article:
Wang J, Huang H, Zhang D, et al. Synthesis of gold/rare-earth-vanadate core/shell nanorods for integrating plasmon resonance and fluorescence. Nano Research, 2015, 8(8): 2548-2561.






Web of Science






Received: 01 December 2014
Revised: 25 February 2015
Accepted: 04 March 2015
Published: 29 August 2015
© Tsinghua University Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015