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A few-layered MoS2-C composite material is studied as a supporting material for silicon nanopowder. Microspheres of the few-layered MoS2-C composite embedded with 30 wt.% Si nanopowder are prepared by one-pot spray pyrolysis. The Si nanopowder particles with high capacity are completely surrounded by the few-layered MoS2-C composite matrix. The discharge capacities of the MoS2-C composite microspheres with and without 30 wt.% Si nanopowder after 100 cycles are 1, 020 and 718 mAh·g-1 at a current density of 1, 000 mA·g-1, respectively. The spherical morphology of the MoS2-C composite microspheres embedded with Si nanopowder is preserved even after 100 cycles because of their high structural stability during cycling. The MoS2-C composite layer prevents the formation of unstable solid-electrolyte interface (SEI) layers on the Si nanopowder. Furthermore, as the MoS2-C composite matrix exhibits high capacity and excellent cycling performance, these characteristics are also reflected in the MoS2-C composite microspheres embedded with 30 wt.% Si nanopowder.
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